
Students and their parents are major stakeholders of a college. It is necessary to inform the parents regarding the progress of their wards, the policies, activities, programmes and rules of the college. The Teacher-Parent Forum brings the teachers and parents together and it helps in the execution of the policies easy.


  1. To create awareness about higher Education in the parents
  2. To inform the parents about change policies of the government regarding Higher Education.
  3. To take efforts for increasing the participation of the parents in higher education.
  4. To inform the parents about the programmes activities & policies of the college.


  1. Organisation of Teacher – Parent Meeting twice a year
  2. Correspondence with the parents as per need
  3. Personal visits to parents.
  4. Contact with parents by letters / mobile etc.

Best Practices

  1. Celebration of the National Science Day.

Committee Members

Name Designation
Principal Dr. P.B.Kamble Chairman
Mr. A.A. Bulle In charge
Mr.B.S. Vadar Member
Dr. L.P. More Member
