Dr. Prashantkumar Kamble (M. A., M. Phil., Ph. D.)
A sure gradual, all – round progress of the students from their existing minuses towards their possible pluses is what may be perceived as quality in the true sense
Experience : 30 Years as a English professor
Book Published : 7 English books
Research Guide for PH.D students Shivaji University Kolhapur
Rotary join 2008 : Best Secretary 2013/14
Major Donor Level 1 : 2016/17
Best President 2019/20
Best Assistant Governor : 2022/23
Major Donor Level 2 : 2022/23
Received : Best Outstanding Rotation Award of RI District 3170
Received : Five Avenue of service Award of Rotary International 2023/24
TRF Donated : 25 Lakhs
Two Global grants project completed
3 CSR Projects undertaken of Rupees 2 CR