
As per the guidelines of UGC, New Delhi regarding constitution of the Special Cell Standing Committee in the college, our college has constituted the Special Cell Standing Committee.

This committee is related to monitoring, evaluation and planning measures for ensuring effective implementation of the policies/programmes of the Government of India, UGC and State Government in respect of reservation to the Backward Class Community.

0.158 Special Cell Standing Committee

1. Short title and commencement:

i) This ordinance may be called ' Special Cell Standing Committee for welfare of B.C. candidates.

ii) It shall come into force from the date of acceptance by the University Management Council

2.1 Constitution of Special Cell Standing Committee

2.3 There shall be similar mechanism at affiliated college/recognised institution level. Such a Standing Committee shall consists of:

Name Designation
The Principal/Director Chairman
One Head of the Dept Member
Two Senior Teachers Member
One representative of Non-teaching staff Member
Two women representatives of Teaching and Non-teaching category Member
Registrar/Office Superintendent/Head Clerk Member-Secretary

3. As far as possible there shall be adequate representation of Backward Class candidates on these committees.

4. Meetings: The Standing Committee shall meet at least twice a year preferably by 15th March and 15th September.

5. Working - The Special Cell Standing Committee will consider the reports made available by the College/Institution and University Standing Committee. It is obligatory for them to send the reports to the University immediately after the meeting.

The minutes of the meeting of Special Cell Standing Committee shall be considered by the Management Council of the University.

6. The Committee shall consider following items and pass resolutions:

  1. To collect information and maintain records regarding the number of students belonging to SC/ST/DTNT/OBC/SBC categories that are enrolled in the college.
  2. To supervise and see that the admissions to the colleges and hostels are made in accordance with the reservation policy declared by the State Government from time to time.
  3. To maintain a roaster of teaching and non-teaching staff of college.
  4. To scrutinise and approve the advertisements that may be issued by the Management for recruitment to both teaching andnon-teaching posts
  5. To supervise the allotment and distribution of scholarships for various reserved candidates.
  6. To deal with representations receive from the B.C. candidates regarding their admissions and recruitment, promotion and other similar matters in the colleges.
  7. To circulate information regarding matter related to B.C. persons to the teaching and non-teaching staff and the students of the college.
  8. To review the present position of backlog in non-teaching categories. State details of non-teaching posts filled in, in the reported year.
  9. To initiate any action or scheme sumoto which is in consonance with the mandate of the State Govt./U.G.C. reservation policy.

Special Cell Standing Committee of Rajarshi Shahu Arts And Commerce College, Rukadi

Name Designation
Prin. Dr. Arjun B. Rajage Chairman
Dr. Khanderao A. Shine Member
Shri. Shankar R. Dalavi Member
Shri. Ashok S. Patil Member
Dr. Sharmila A. Sabale Member
Shri. Ajitkumar K. Kamble Member
Shri. Rajesh B. Kamme Member





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