Department Of Political Science


  1. Guest lecture on constitution awareness

  2. Publication of an issue of Manas wall paper .

  3. Seminars by students.

  4. Group Discussion.

  5. Organisation of a work shop.

  6. Unit test on each topic.

Best Practice

  1. Celebration of constitution Day on 25th November .

  2. Special issue of wall paper on 26thJanuaryRepublic day.

  3. Organised a work shop for Grampanchyat members

  4. Organised a state level seminar on ‘HummanRights ’ .

  5. Unit test on each topic.

  6. Use ICT in teaching .


  1. Mr. BULLE AMAR ANNA, Asst. Prof. (M.A.(Political Science))

31 years teaching experience at UG level in teaching Political Science & Public Administration Students Profile


 Published Research Papers:

                                   Published 12 research papers in national, international, online, UGC listed journals.

 Delivered Lectures:

                                   More than 25 lectures in the society on Indian Constitution.

Students’ Strength (Year 2024-25)

  1. B.A.I - 51

  2. B.A.II- 26

  3. B.A.II -57.(Public Adimistration) 
