Goals and objectives

  1. To develop a broad and healthy attitude towards the study of history.

  2. To acquaint students with the methods of historical enquiry.

  3. To develop an interdisciplinary approach

  4. To foster the spirit of religious tolerance.


  1. Organizing guest lectures

  2. Arranging group dissuasions

  3. Participation in Conferences, seminars etc.

Best Practices

  1. Monsoon Trekking from Panhala to Pawankhind

  2. Visits to Historical Places


Dr. Sharmila Ashok Sabale

Professor, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.,

  1. M.Phil :- Dalit mitra Tambat kakayanche Jivan Ani Karya

  2. Ph.D. :- Vasantrao Naik Yanche Jivan Va Karya

  • Publications

    1. Book

      1. Life and Work of Vasantrao Naik - April 14, 2014- Received Shivaji University Grant- Rs 20,000/-

      2. Socio-Economic Condition of Women of Vanjari Community

    2. Papers

      1. ValavaTalukyatilSatyashodhakiJalaso Dec. 2012 ISRv No 2231- 4342

      2. MahatamGandijichyaJivanatKasturabaiyanchiBhumika – 2014- ISBN -2231-4342

      3. From ear to power A psycho Histerical perspective on Hiracy – 2015-2278-9302

      4. Dalit strisaksmiparnatil Dr. babashebAmbedkaryancheyogadan- 2015

      5. RajarshiChh. ShahuyancheShikshanvishyakDhoran ISSN22785914-13 setp 2015

      6. KrantikarkarcheAdharstombh : Tambatkaka 2015-ISSir No 978- 927211-0-5

      7. KolhapurchaVarasaPrashanaAniAuwbaiGrorapade ISBN 978- 93-52-12-145-8feb 2015

      8. The economics & Social Justice A conceptual view 2018 2220- 6466-2018.

      9. Temples & its architecture in India A lesson fro preset Archiet 2018

      10. Vasntroa Naik yanche Adhunik Bharatatil Yogadan 2013-978-81- 925003-5-5

      11. Foreign Policy of the Donald Trump Administration and its effect on India Vol 22 Issue 4 Oct-Dec 2019,Quaterly Journal, UGC Care Listed International Indexed and Referred Journal Impact Factor 6.2

      12. The Recent Trends In Indian History Vol 5 Issue 6 Nov-Dec 2019, UGC UGC Care Listed International Indexed and Referred Journal Impact Factor 5.2, ISSN : 0976-5425

      13. Kolhapur Jilhyatil Kille Paryatan ani Arthik Vikas, Jan-Feb 2019, Vol 7 Issue 58 Online ISSN-2278-8808 , An International Peer Reviewed ,Reffered & Quarterly Scholarly Research Jounal for Interdisciplinary Studies.

      14. Chh. Shivaji Maharajanchi Paryawaran Neeti, Sanshodhan Research Journal, 20 Sep 2020, ISSUE-X, Impact Factor, ISSN-2278-5914

      15. The Indian History of Pandemic Covid-19 Effects on Society. International Peer Reviewed Indexed Research Journal Impact Factor 7.675, ISSN 2278-9308, 20 Oct 2020

      16. Navi Mumbai che Shilpkar Vasantrao Naik, Ayushi International Interdisciplinary Journal Peer Reviewed and Indexed Journal Special Issue-95, Impact Factor 7.49, ISSN 2359-638, 29th July 2021

      17. Vasantrao Naik Yanche Apatti Vyavasthapan: Koyana Bhukamp Grasthanche Punarvasan, Akhil Maharashtra Etihas Parishadas, Shodhnibhandh Sangraha, Multidisciplinary International Research Journal Peer Reviewed, Special Issue, ISSN: 2231-4342, March 2021

  • Ph.D. Fellows

    1. Smt. Shubhangi Bhosale – Socio-Economic History of Hatkagule Taluka (1950-2000) 22 Jun 2016

    2. Mr. Maruti Patil - Socio Economic History of Chandgad Taluka (1948-2000) 1st Aug 2016

    3. Smt. Sharada Devakar- The forts in Kolhapur District : A Historical Study -4th Aug 2016

    4. Smt. Rajashri Malekar - Primary Health Centers in Kolhapur District: A case Study (1950-2000)- 23 Jul 2017

    5. Smt. Laxmi Bhosale- Textile Industry In Kolhapur District- A Historical Study (1950-2000) 18 Sept 2018

    6. Smt. Pushpanjali Kolekar- Swatantryottar Sangali Jilhyatil Dharmik Sthalanche Vadhate Mahatwa: A Historical Study ()

  • Ongoining PhD

    1. Smt. Velhal A.V.-History of Social Working Institutions in Kolhapur District.

    2. Miss Chougule R.D.- Jain Entrepreneurship in Sangali and Kolhapur-A Historical Study (1950-2000)

    3. Shri. Katkole A.S.- Agricultural Information In Satara District

  • Award

    1. Glorification of the meritorious – Matu-Pitru VishwaRatna Nidhi, Gadhinglaj - May 4, 2008

    2. Meritorious Teacher Award- Chate Group, Kolhapur - 5th September, 2011

    3. Best Teacher Award- Lions Club of Kolhapur - 22 October, 2016

    4. Teacher Gourav Award – Rotary Club of Ichalkaranji Central – September 4, 2019

    5. Best Secretary Award-  International Rotary Club

    6. Paul Harris Fellow (The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International)

Students Strenth



























Dr. Khanderao Shinde (Research Work)

  1. M.Phil :- 

  2. Ph.D. :- 

  • Publications

    1. Book

    2. Papers

      1. Kolhapur Jilhyatil Kahi Dipmala,Shodh Nibandh Sangrah,Peer Reviewed, Multi Disciplinary International Research Journal, ISSN 2231 4342

      2. Rajarshi Shahu Purva Kalatil Kolhapuratil Shaikshanik Vikas ( 1848-1894) Natural Resources and Sustainable Development, 29th July 2021, Special Issue-95,ISSN 2349-638x, Impact Factor 7.149

  • Ph.D. Fellows



  • Ongoining PhD




  • Award


