
It is assumed that the teacher will not in general avoid his responsibilities and misuse privileges. However, following lapses would constitute improper conduct on the part of the teacher of the College/Recognised Institutions.

  1. Failure to perform his academic duties such as preparations, lectures, demonstrations, assessment, invigilation etc.
  2. Gross partiality in assessment of students, deliberately over/under marking, or attempt of victimization on any grounds.
  3. Inciting students against other students, colleagues, administration. (This does not interfere with his right to express his differences on principles in Seminars or other places where students are present.)
  4. Raising questions of castes, creed or religion, race or sex in his relationships with his colleagues and trying to use the above considerations for improvement of his prospectus.
  5. Refusal to carry out the decisions of appropriate and academic bodies and/or functionaries of the University. This will not inhibit his right to express his difference with their policies or decisions, expression provided that he will not use the facilities or forum of the University/College/Recognised Institution to propagate his own ideas or beliefs for against particular Political Party or alignment of political or religious activities.



To view Code Of Conduct Click Here



To view Code Of Conduct Click Here