
The Composition:

The Maharashtra Public Universities Act, 2016 states that, "99.

  • There shall be a University Students' Council as specified in clause (b) of sub-section (4), a university department Students' Council for the departments of the university and a College Students' Council for each conducted college or institution of the University and each affiliated college, to look after the welfare of the students and to promote and co-ordinate the extra-curricular activities of different student's associations for better corporate life. The Councils shall not engage in political activities.
  • The College Students' Council for each institution, conducted college or affiliated college shall consist of the following members, namely:-
    1. President, elected by an electoral college consisting of students who are engaged in full time studies in that college;
    2. Secretary, elected by an electoral college consisting of students who are engaged in full time studies in that college;
    3. one lady representative, elected by an electoral college consisting of students who are engaged in full time studies in that college;
    4. one representative belonging to Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes or De-notified Tribes (Vimukta Jatis) or Nomadic Tribes or Other Backward Classes, by rotation, elected by an electoral college consisting of students who are engaged in full time studies in that college
    5. one student from each class, elected by an electoral college consisting of students who are engaged in full time studies in that class;
    6. one student each from (a) National Service Scheme, (b) National Cadet Corps, (C) Sports and (d) Cultural activities, respectively, on the basis of prescribed criteria;
    7. one senior teacher as coordinator of the Students' Council appointed by the principal of the college and Director, Sports and Physical Education, NSS Programme Officer and NCC Officer as permanent invitees.

However, the statutes are yet to be formed, hence no students' council is in existence as of now.
