
Good communication skills are a must these days. Elocution and debating are the skills make anybody's personality impressive. Some students in the college are willing to improve their elocution skills. This committee provides them training, guidance, reading material, practice, as well as opportunities to perform.

Aims and objectives

  1. To improve the creative skills of the student.
  2. To make them able to put up their thoughts logically
  3. To habituate them to study for presenting the subject
  4. To guide them to use voice and language effectively
  5. To guide them reading books


  1. Practice for subject presentation
  2. Guidance for subject presentation
  3. To arrange eminent speakers' guidance through camps, workshops for students
  4. Participation in various competitions
  5. To organize Late Sambhajirao Mane State Level intercollegiate elocution competition

Best Practices

  1. Organzation of various elocution, debating, story –telling, essay competition on

Committee Members

Name Designation
Dr. Girish R. More In Charge
Dr. S.A. Sabale Member
Dr. K.A. Shinde Member
