The college makes the financial provision for the utilization, maintenance and repairing of facilities made available. Department wise details of the procedure of the same are as below.
Maintenance of the building of the college:
The college looks after the maintenance of the part of the joint building allotted to the college by the Trust/mother institution. The College Development Committee in the college provides information about the minor repairs and coloring of the allotted part of the building repairing of benches and boards so as to make the budgetary provision and accordingly the College Building Maintenance Committee functions.
The college has the Gymkhana Committee the that guides as well as assists the Director of Physical Education of the college in using the sports materials properly and in maintaining and repairing the materials. The provisions are made in the annual budget of the Gymkhana Committee for the maintenance and repairing of the sports materials. As per the budgetary provisions the sports materials are purchased and repaired.
There is the Library Committee in the college. It follows a specific procedure to purchase books and journals as per the provisions made the in its annual budgets. List of the required books and journals to be purchased for the academic year is taken from the teachers. The purchase order of the books and journals is prepared and after the approval of the principal the books and journals are purchased as per the budgetary provision.
All the purchased books are registered in the accession register after which the books are made available to the readers after completing all the formalities. The damaged books are rebound after the due permission of the committee. After rebinding such books are given to the readers. If a students or a teacher loses a book, he/she has to pay the fine worth the original price of the lost book plus half of the price. Otherwise the borrower has to reproduce a new copy of the lost book. Every year stock taking is done.
The students have open access to the library Both teachers and students use OPAC for checking the availability of books. The Library Committee recommends the books to be written off. The LMC/CDC makes a resolution of ‘ Write Off ’ for the books. With the due process the books are written off.
National Service Scheme (NSS)
The college has the National Service Scheme that takes the students volunteers to the community and inspires and encourages them to serve it by arranging the activities like tree plantation, cleanliness drives, road and digging furrows for gutters which are performed during Camps and which require variety of manual and culinary tools. These tools are purchased maintained and repaired as per the necessity directions the university with prior approval of the principal.