
The college aims at making the all around development of the students. Having social awareness is a part of the all round personality. The students must acquire constitutional values and develop multi-disciplinary and inter-faculty approach. Besides, the regular teaching they must be made aware of these aspects. This committee aims at achieving them

Goals & Objective

  1. To generate social attitude among the students
  2. To make students responsible citizens
  3. To offer student guidance of the eminent speakers
  4. To sustain the values mentioned in the Indian constitution
  5. To develop inter-faculty approach among the students


  • Celebrating Shahu Jayanti, Kranti Din & Geography Day
  • Observing Population Day & Constitution Day
  • To arrange visits to historical places
  • To arrange traditional day

Committee Members

Name Designation
Dr. V.B.Desai In charge
Dr. K.A.Shinde Member
Dr.H.V.Sankpal Member
Mr. A.S.Patil Member
